Letter to the Form Deans, Ms. Snyder and Mr. Turner


Ed Turner and Larissa Snyder have seved as the Class of 2021’s form deans since 2017. Illustration by Tina Wang ’22.

My first impression of our form deans dates back to my first year at Hill as a 4th former, our form retreat to Funplex. Put under last-minute time constraints, they were able to rally the troops as our grade made the most of a rainy day in the middle of New Jersey. My mind then moves to Ms. Snyder leading a small group of girls in Tuesday night Eudemonia, which I looked forward to each week since she allowed us a venting session followed by a meditation session. I think of morning Latin classes with Mr. Turner, where Lal, Cynthia, Zoya and I all ate pancakes and translated stories about Priscilla and inexpensive porridge together as Dotty ran around the dining room table. The list continues: girls supporting girls events, grade Zooms from our homes, white water rafting — all these moments that brought us closer together as a form. Lastly, my mind reflects on this past year, and my heart fills gratitude as I think about both their efforts to keep us connected despite all limitations and all that is still to come in our final days at Hill. 

The efforts of Mr. Turner and Ms. Snyder have clearly brought our grade closer in ways we wouldn’t have been able to do on our own. But their love for us as students expands past just being form deans. To us, they are also our teachers, coaches, advisors, dorm parents, and advocates. 

“Having Mr. Turner for three years as a teacher is something that was a core part of my time here. Thank you for always not only being a fantastic teacher, but a friend that looked out for me. I appreciate the efforts you put into me, and all of your students, because I promise it doesn’t go unnoticed,” Zoya Holin ’21 said.

“Ms. Snyder has been an amazing advisor, and has managed to keep our group tight-knit this year. She is always there to lend support, or a laugh, or a birthday treat, and I would not have made it through without her,” Greta Haverstick ’21 shared.

Our form deans, while they have done so much for us, should also be recognized for their accomplishments. Ms. Snyder took on the role of head dorm parent for Upper School West, and Mr. Turner became head baseball coach. Both have assumed their roles with excitement and fulfilled their duties in a way that reflects their overall dedication and kindness to students. 

“Ms. Snyder, thank you for everything that you have done for our form and me this year. All that you have done for Upper School West and the 6th form this year has not gone unnoticed, and I really appreciate it,” said Ethan Kruezburg ’21.

All in all, our form has been blessed with Ms. Snyder and Mr. Turner having our backs these past four years. It’s a challenge trying to encapsulate all the different ways they’ve influenced each of us individually. Overall, we unanimously agree as a form that we are thankful for you both, and our four years at Hill wouldn’t have been the same without you. 

Thank you once again,

The Class of 2021