Why I chose Hill


I cannot believe that our time has already come to an end. It feels like just yesterday, I was stepping on campus for the first time as a scared little 14-year-old. You, Hill, have given me some of the best times of my life, and, through both the good and bad, I have been able to cultivate the ultimate “Why Hill” statement. 

When I chose Hill as an eighth-grader, there were three main reasons. I completely despised the school I was supposed to attend; I wanted a more challenging academic environment, and I wanted to broaden my view of the world by meeting new people. Don’t get me wrong — these are three very good reasons to attend Hill, but there is so much more than just those reasons that make this school the institution it is. 

When considering my “Why Hill” now, as a 6th former, I do not dwell on the tangible things I achieved from my time at The Hill School, but rather on the growth I’ve achieved and the time I’ve spent with this wonderful community. 

I choose Hill now because it is a place that cultivates an environment of growth within itself and within its students. Hill has grown as a school immensely from when I set foot on campus for the first time in 2018.

I choose Hill now because the lessons that you learn in and outside of the classroom are lessons that are unique to our community of 800 and are ones that you cannot get elsewhere. 

And lastly, I choose Hill now because, as much as I sometimes try to fight it, for these past years, this has been my home, one in which I have laughed, cried, and learned, and one that I will never forget.

So if you were to ask me “Why Hill” today, I would tell you that Hill and its experiences have made me who I am today, and for that, I am forever grateful.