Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

2024-2025 SGA Senatorial Candidate Statements


The Form Debates will take place on Friday, May 17th and the caucus for Rising 4th Form Female candidates will take place on May 15th. 

Guiding questions:

  • What do you have to contribute to Hill? Briefly outline some of your goals and initiatives should you be elected.
  • Why do you want to run for SGA?
  • If you haven’t run before, why now? If you’ve ran before, what makes this run different?

Class of 2027

Sahana Jha

Hello! My name is Sahana Jha, and I am running for SGA Class Representative.  

As a member of the Class of 2027, I have enjoyed being involved and learning about the community through many of my experiences at Hill, whether that be through classes, co-curriculars, or life on campus in general. As a Class Representative for the Class of 2027, my goals would be primarily to better facilitate working relationships between the fourth-form student body and the SGA, allowing for better communication and greater understanding. I’d push for greater transparency in terms of communications with the SGA as well as holding conversations that prompt further discussion, with the topics that you all feel need to be addressed more than anything. I’d also open an anonymous method of communication such as an ask box for students who wish to remain unnamed in their stories or additions to policy, as well as staying open for conversation at any time to discuss what others are worried about or would like to see happen in terms of future developments within the SGA.  

I want to run for SGA because I truly believe that I can make an impact on the community through it. As someone who’s taken on several leadership roles in the past (co-heading several student projects in collaboration with local volunteering groups, competing as captain of a Science Olympiad team, etc.), I have the experience and the mindset to push forward and work on the issues that we as a school need to each do our part to fix.  

Last year, having applied for this position previously, I lacked much of the experience with the Hill community that I’ve learned so much about in the past few months. From this time, I’ve gained much insight into the school’s workings, changes I’d like to see made, and the ways in which the SGA can make a difference. Therefore, not only do I believe that I’ve gained much experience in terms of leadership within the Hill, I also think that I am much better qualified to act as a representative for the Class of 2027.  

Thank you for your consideration. 

Leila Alobeidy

I love the Hill community and the beauty of its support systems, which is my top priority as SGA senator: to ensure a healthy and happy space for everyone. It is extremely important that we all feel comfortable with one another. Hill can be stressful both academic and socially and my goal is to relieve that pressure and make everyone feel supported. I will arrange for frequent social events, send weekly check-in emails, and keep the community informed and together about school events because it is extremely important that we can all rely on one another. I will also help make Hill weekends fun and propose fun items to add to our academic schedule to alleviate our stress. We should all be each other’s allies and I will do whatever I can to improve our lifestyles here at Hill such as by organizing family night activities. 

I am running for SGA Senator because I have made it my absolute goal and passion in life to help others in the best way possible and it is important that I start now. I love and care about all people, so I want to do whatever I can to help everyone here have the best experience possible. I care about you in your personal lives as well as your academic ones, and I want your goals for you, so I am running because like I emphasized before during my honor council speech, I am a person of great empathy and compassion and I never want anyone to experience any discomfort here. I know very well what it feels like to feel as though you don’t belong, but I promise you that you do. We all do, which is why we are all here at the Hill. Because of this, my mission is to give everyone a pleasant and memorable experience here because that is how high school should be for everyone. 

This run is different from my previous one because now that I have experienced Hill for myself, I am confident that I have the tools, mindset, and understanding of what I can and should do as SGA senator and how I can help others have the best experience possible. I realized how the choices made and actions taken by the SGA senators can greatly reshape a person’s Hill experience in incredible ways, which is my new motivation for running. 

Ella Armstrong

Through my experiences this year at Hill, I have grown a lot as a student, athlete, and friend. This year, I’ve learned a lot through SGA and other experiences about what it means to be a good representative of my community and what I can do to improve next year. I’ve become a better public speaker through SGA meetings and my three terms in public speaking. I continue to try to be as open-minded as possible and am always willing to help out a classmate. I am a good listener and try my best to make notes of problems or suggestions I hear from other students and discuss them in meetings. 

If I were re-elected next year, a big part of my focus would be improving communication with the form. I’ve heard from many of my classmates that they aren’t sure what happens in the SGA and are confused about what we do. I admit that our communication with the form has not been strong this year, but I want to improve that for the rest of this school year and the future. This would look like more emails about what’s going on in the SGA, updates on our proposals, and possibly some brief in-person meetings with students to hear verbal feedback on what we can do to better everyone’s Hill experience. A couple of ideas I have for proposals based on student feedback are: trying to extend breakfast/doordash hours on the weekends, regular stocking of feminine products in the bathrooms of academic buildings, and more form socials. These are just a few common suggestions I’ve heard this year, but of course, I am also open toany other suggestions and will do my best to represent those ideas in meetings. I want to re-run for form senator next year because I truly appreciate this community and my form. I care about the well-being and thoughts of everyone in my class and want to continue to make Hill a better place for us all to learn, lead, and succeed. As I said in my candidacy statement at the beginning of this year, I believe a community should be designed by all the people who are a part of it, not just the leaders. I hope to continue to build on this belief in the upcoming school year and make the next year another great one.

Jill Patel

Hello! My name is Jill Patel. I am running for SGA form representative because I believe I can take the initiative to accommodate our community at Hill whenever necessary. Although I have not run for an SGA position, I was a member of the SGA at my previous school, which allowed me to share my ideas to improve their community. I have decided to run for the form representative position because I want to better the dynamic at the Hill School. I am aware that it is a long and difficult process to make a change but I am hardworking and able to stick to any task I am given. Because of this, I can be someone who you can speak with to alter or create anything relating to academics, social life, or athletics. For example, if there is a club you want to begin, a teacher or coach you’re having trouble with, a requirement of a class that makes you unsatisfied, or anything else, I will be there to talk to the right people and lead you in the best direction. I know that many of the girls in our grade enjoy playing volleyball and would love to play it as a sport after school so, one idea I want to implement is to create a volleyball club and hopefully lead the athletics department in the direction of making it a sport. Another goal I would like to reach is to create a more connected form. This means having more form socials and activities. In addition to a closer grade, it can be a method to have fun and relieve stress. I care about this school and our form and want everyone to be content with what they are doing.

Jackson Bala

As a young non-boarder and a lifelong faculty kid, I feel that I can contribute to Hill with many different perspectives. If elected, I plan to provide a more inclusive schedule for students. I will push for more inclusive school meeting times, as day students and borders have commitments. Many students including myself have experienced a long day of school, followed by a school meeting. This can affect the students’ mental health and attentiveness and create extra stress with co-curricular activities right after the meeting. I will also build off my peers’ opinions. Many of my peers have said community is one of their favorite things about Hill, so why don’t we utilize that? And lastly, I plan to help fix the issues many face every day. One issue is the day student and boarder bond. We as a school should encourage day students to stay on campus, and if possible come for weekends. School activities such as games and events around campus at earlier times would help resolve this issue.

My choice of running for SGA stems from my love of leading, my extroverted personality, and my notable experience with The Hill. I feel that these qualities not only show how I can contribute to the form but to the entire school. For sixteen years I have seen the Hill life change, flourish, fall, and get back up again. I’ve seen many different events and activities occur, along with countless sports and concerts happen. I believe that this will help me have a better point of view on true Hillness. Hill has been my life and shaped me into who I am today, and now is my chance to give back to the school.

Running for SGA this year is different because when I ran last year, my goals that were stated were very cliche and ineffective. I ran on top of one promise that was not entirely possible to fulfill. This time around, I plan to think more about how I could affect the form, and use my experience with Hill and SGA to create a more reasonable run for representative. I feel that my new goals and initiatives will help me connect and benefit more people across the student body. Now with a year under my belt with my form, I can relate to them at a higher level and use that to everyone’s benefit.

Ben Choi

Dear Students of The Hill, 

Hello, as you should all probably know, I am Ben Choi, your current 3rd Form SGA Senator. I want to run for the SGA because I believe we can, together, make this a great year for all of us. With your constant feedback, and my hard work, I can use whatever feedback you have to make this school closer to ‘perfect’ one step at a time.  If elected, I will work hard towards three main ideas: communication, student well-being, and extracurricular opportunities.  

Firstly, I will strive towards improving student communication with the SGA and our form by regularly seeking feedback and being open to them in general whenever. I will do this in the form of our continued feedback link. I will enhance the usability of the website and actively promote it as a safe space for students to voice their thoughts. On top of that utilizing platforms to announce form wide messages making sure everyone is informed about important matters. Secondly, I will work on promoting better student well-being by advocating for improved mental and physical health resources, prioritizing positive school culture, and pointing out issues that may bring the school spirit down. Lastly, I am committed to expanding extracurricular opportunities by collaborating with clubs and organizations to offer a diverse range of activities that cater to different interests and talents. A few ideas for the upcoming school year which have been voiced out by peers are later breakfast times for more of a sleep-in during the weekends or more weekend activities that could stretch out to Friday night times.  

Something different about this SGA run is the opportunity to further strengthen the bond between us. As a rising 4th former, there will be a handful of new students, who I will make sure to all feel welcomed warmly to this school. Additionally, now that I have had a full year here, I won’t need any more time to adapt to the new school. I can start strong with your help and use your voice to make positive changes.  

With this change comes more power, but more responsibility. Bigger changes can be made with passion and responsibility. I am ready to listen, communicate and work together with all of you to ensure that are voices count, and our needs are met. Let’s make this year the best it can be and vote Ben Choi.

Tommy Gill

I believe that my communication skills, open mindedness, and leadership could benefit Hill immensely. I think that it is hard to pinpoint on any initiatives right now as we head into the end of the school year, but believe that it is my job as a senator for my form to communicate the desired and needs of what they want to the higher ups including the school presidents and Mrs. Devaney. But, if I happen to win, I would like to restate that I would be determined and focused on getting my form the changes they desire.

I want to run for SGA because I believe that my abilities can truly change what our school has to offer. I am also a very competitive candidate, meaning that if I win, I will truly want to make my point and make the necessary changes in the time that I would have as senator. Also, next year I will hold the position of South Asian Student Affinity Leader for DEI. Because of this, I want to run for SGA as well to have an even more lasting effect on the school during my terms.

I wouldn’t view this run for this term as very different. I feel like the time of when I am leading doesn’t really affect the impact that I believe I can make on the school and my form. I just want to be put in a place where I think I can truly thrive and become a leader for my form.


Class of 2026

Evvy Finch

Hello everyone! My name is Evvy Finch, this is my first year at The Hill School and I am a rising fifth-former from Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. My experience this past year at The Hill has taught me so much and clarified my purpose on this campus. I am here to make a difference. When I want something done, I do everything in my power to see it through. My love for The Hill goes beyond words, and I want to make use of my passion for our community. We have something special here.  

If elected as your 2024-2025 female fifth-form SGA representative, my goal first and foremost is to make the fifth-form class of 2026 the most tight-knit class on campus. The boarding school experience has so much more to offer outside of the elite academic and athletic opportunities, I believe the social bonds are too often overlooked. As your fifth form representative, I would work hard to increase the social opportunities on campus for our form throughout the year, not just in the spring. We all talk about how spring is the best season on campus, and that is a direct result of the sense of community we feel! I want to run for SGA because I have a strong belief that I can make a positive difference in our Hill community. I have a steadfast desire to listen to your wants and needs, and to make things happen. As a two-sport varsity athlete and a musician, I have a wide range of connections across campus. These connections ensure that everyone is seen and heard.  

I have never run for SGA form representative as this is my first year as a member of The Hill Community, but that does not put me at any sort of disadvantage when it comes to advocating for you. In fact, my experience last year at Kimball Union Academy, another boarding school like The Hill, gave me a unique perspective on how to lead a community. I ran and was elected as the 2026 class president at Kimball Union last year, an extremely valuable experience that will without a doubt strengthen my role as a leader at The Hill.  

Let’s make this year extraordinary, together. 

Avery Cohen

Hi! I am Avery Cohen, a two-year boarding student from Nova Scotia, Canada. I first want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your current SGA Representative. It has been an honor to represent our form as a whole, and I am re-running to continue to positively impact our community in the upcoming school year. What’s different this year is now I have a year of experience and bigger, more specific goals to achieve. I want to gradually work towards bigger leadership roles and continue to lead within the community. 

After serving on the SGA as your form representative this past year, I have learned a lot about myself, as well as every person within our form. Though a lot has changed in a year, the one thing that has remained constant throughout my time here has been my love for The Hill. This unwavering love drives my motivation to re-run. This year in my position, I gained valuable experience and skills that I will use to implement new ideas and efficiently create change. My diverse involvement in the Hill community brings a unique perspective to the SGA. My community participation includes various athletic, artistic, social, and leadership roles. These different areas of my community life all contribute to important qualities I offer such as communication, organization, and determination. I believe that Hill is a way of life that encompasses core beliefs and values I proudly possess. 

The first step to creating a transparent dynamic between the student body and faculty is communication. This year, I have taken action to better interconnect our form by initiating “26 Recap” and “Get to Know Your Reps.” Additionally, I have worked hard this year to increase transparency and create a liaison between students and faculty through surveys, suggestion boxes, and monthly emails. If re-elected, I will continue to serve as this bridge of active listening and communication between our form and the rest of our community and will approach any formal or informal proposal with determination. 

You may know me as a friend, teammate, classmate, or something in between. If you know me, you know that I’m an extremely approachable and compassionate person, which I carry into my role on the SGA. My genuine love for Hill and authentic interest in this role truly sets me apart. Whether I hold a formal title or not, I will always set an example as a leader in our community. I want to leave my mark on this school and continue to make it a better place. It is my mission to help everyone love Hill the way I do. Together, by fostering a transparent, encouraging, and empathetic environment, we can make Hill feel like home for everyone.  

My best,


Erin Lee

My name is Erin Lee, and I want to run for Form Senator to help create a more connected and content community. I want to represent my grade’s concerns, feedback, and unity.  

I haven’t run before because I wasn’t at Hill last year. I want to run this year because when I’m in my 5th form year, I will have the experience with Hill that I accumulated as a 4th former and the ambition to create positive change in the community that has now become my home.

As a new 4th former at Hill, I can offer many new perspectives and ideas through different experiences. Although I am new, I have plenty of leadership experience as a 3-year student representative and 3-year house leader/captain in my previous school. I am also an extrovert and enjoy interacting with students and teachers, which helps me connect with my peers.

Amongst my said ideas are two goals and initiatives I emphasize and want to develop further. I want to create a more effective and constructive student-life feedback system and to develop a closer-knit community.

A more effective feedback system would look like bi-weekly anonymous opinion polls. An example would be related to the food menu. If we find out the least-favored dishes and replace them, we could make the community happier and reduce food waste simultaneously.

To develop a tighter community, SGA could introduce more team games that could be similar to J-ball. These games would have students bonding and getting to know different people in their forms while maintaining an exciting atmosphere.

Hill has quickly become a significant part of my life, and I want to make a positive impact at Hill by becoming a Form Senator.

Nicholas Cobb

Hello, my name is Nicholas Cobb, a boarding student from Dover Delaware. In the following statement, I would like you to better understand why I’m running for SGA and what I would do if elected as your SGA representative. The love and passion I have for this school is like no other, I only want to see what is best for the grade and the school. Some attributes I hold that would make me a good SGA representative are my social and hard-working abilities. I’m a person that doesn’t fear talking to others, I take in criticism very well and I am a person that only seeks the best for my peers. If I were elected as your 5th form SGA representative I would have many incentives that will help further our high school lives. I have three major points that I hear from my peers and that will be beneficial to our grade. First, our dorms should be a place of comfort, which means I’ll look for ways for dorms to be a more suitable environment for everyone, even the day students. Secondly, I would work on improving the class relationship and activities, this means I would continue and improve what our reps have done with communication toward our grades. Thirdly, I would refine the SGA and student connection, though the connection is better than my freshman year, I feel as though I can impact and enhance the connection of the SGA and students. The reason behind my running may seem random, but I have realized that I hold skills that would help improve the SGA and our grade as a whole. I saw I was given skills that had a great impact on people, so I decided to utilize what I was given to help others. Ever since I was a kid I knew I wanted to attend Hill and I feel as though this is me giving back to the community and showing my gratitude towards everyone and Hill.

Ayaan Rege

Hi, my name is Ayaan Rege, and I am running to be re-elected as the fifth-form SGA senator during the 2024-2025 year.  

As your current fourth-form senator, I have contributed to Hill in a variety of substantial ways, and my contributions will only continue to grow as your fifth form senator. From being a Dean’s-List student to being a Varsity athlete, I truly embody the core values of Hill in everything I do, and I believe everything I have achieved so far is a testament to this. Over this past year, Avery and I have worked relentlessly together to instill positive and genuine communication in the class of 2026, and thanks to you all, we were extremely successful. With an abundance of successful Get To Know Your Reps meetings, and our school-wide suggestion box, I have worked tirelessly towards my goal of giving all of you a voice, and making sure it is heard. Additionally, our various form socials, and monthly editions of ‘26 Recap ensure that each and every member of the class of 2026 is acknowledged and celebrated. Together, these major contributions are a testament to my dedication to the betterment of our form, and a guarantee that I will continue to contribute to both our form and the school as a whole.  

The reason I am running again this year is the same as last year: I want to use my leadership skills and my various experiences to be a positive representation of our form and empower change within the community. If you have read any of the several emails that we sent out, you would know that they all end with one phrase: “Let’s spread the love for Hill”. To me, becoming an SGA Senator isn’t about getting pantry privileges or checking a box on a college resume, its about being able to circulate my genuine love for Hill.  

Although most of my campaign is very similar to last year, I have one new priority. Next year, we will transform from under-formers to upper-formers, a change that may seem minor, but is extremely significant. During this transformation, it is imperative that we create a positive and impressive reputation that the under-formers can look up to. As someone who already led our form last year, I am confident that I can not only help create this reputation, but also continue to make the class of 2026 proud.

Joshua Dickey

I deeply value Hill’s community, and if I were elected, I would strive to improve our daily lives. I propose to advocate for weekday door dash hours, a more accessible system for the open common rooms, breakfast on Saturday until 9:15 a.m., more buildings open during the winter term for students to socialize in, and more acai bowls. As the representative title, I am willing to work hard to achieve these aspirations. However, my biggest goal is to ensure that everyone’s problems in our forms are heard and addressed.

I am running for SGA because by being in power, I could make a significant change and positively impact the day-to-day life of our community. I am a very hard-working person who is happy to listen to and understand your problems, and I would love to help solve them in this community.

Catering to everyone and knowing everyone personally is the biggest necessary quality for the represenantive position. I had never considered running before because I didn’t think I knew my peers well enough. However, this year, I found that with a better knowledge of people in my form, I could better represent them.


Class of 2025


Mallory Rohrbaugh

Over my time at Hill, I have served as a day student prefect, founding member of the Emerging Leaders Program, Student Alumni Ambassador, tour guide, member of the Varsity Girls’ Golf Team, and a member of various other clubs, and I am now running for SGA Form Representative to create a stronger sense of community, increase positive morale for our final year together, and serve as a bridge for our form to administration. If elected, I will work with fellow SGA members and faculty to extend mail room hours, host open conversations with the SGA, and partner with the SLA to improve existing weekend activities, as I have heard these needs expressed by peers.

Two things, I stand for are transparency and honesty, values that have utmost importance in a position in SGA. Therefore, although I have a vision of ways to improve our community, no SGA member can 100% guarantee their proposals will be passed, so I will not falsely make you that promise. What I will do is promise, if elected, to use my platform in the SGA to work consistently and meaningfully to remedy any concerns by listening to each student and being a voice to enact change.

Crucial to being a SGA representative is serving as a bridge, connecting our form to the greater Hill community. I promise to always prioritize serving as your voice in SGA, enacting change YOU wish to see—creating a better Hill.

During my 3F year, I was curious about running for SGA but felt I needed to acclimate to Hill before occupying this role in the community, and remained hesitant until now. However, now more than ever, I am dedicated to being a communicative, transparent, and approachable leader as your SGA representative. I’m running to improve each student’s experience at Hill and create a long-lasting positive impact on our school. I will put forth my greatest effort to better our community and strengthen our sense of “Hillness.” Before Hill, I served in student government as Vice President, and brought those leadership skills with me to Hill, continued to grow, and have proven myself to be an effective, committed, and adaptable person and leader. These experiences and qualities, under the guidance of SGA Co-Presidents Maggie and Hilton, will allow me to succeed as your 6F representative.

Wynnetka Magpantay

Although I have not been a part of Hill since the beginning of our form’s years here, I believe that I possess many ideas and goals that align with the student body. Even though I have only been here for a brief amount of time, I cannot deny that I have had numerous conversations with many students asking about what the SGA actually does. As a result of this, one of my goalswould be to emphasize communication and collaboration between students and the SGA–through various initiatives that I and my fellow council members would be able to come up with. One idea that I have in mind is a monthly SGA newsletter, outlining some of the upcoming things going on in our form for that month– whether they be related to sports, the arts, concerns coming from the SGA council, or announcements from faculty themselves. This would be accessible online to all of you. In addition, another idea of mine is to put a link in the newsletter and QR codes around campus to a poll where you can write about and vote on your most pressing concerns at Hill. You might be wondering why I am running for SGA when I’ve only been here for a year. Although this is my first time running for the SGA here at Hill, I have participated in student government before during my previous years of schooling. I have spent numerous nights hand-making posters for occasions around school, planning events, and helping students by connecting with them on a personal level regarding things they would like to see changed. I truly have a passion for student government and always enjoyed the work that I did for the community at my past schools. I find it very fulfilling being an asset to the community through my engagement with others. Even now, without being part of the SGA, I still continue toenjoy being involved in this community and helping empower it– whether that be through DEI, sports, the arts, or even academics as a writing fellow. Being a part of the SGA would allow me to help strengthen this community we all take part in every day, and to better it for everybody. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time whether it be passing by me on campus or sending me an email!

Emerson Leger

My name is Emerson Leger and I would like to be your Sixth Form Senator. As a three year boarding student, I have become familiar with life here at Hill. By being your Senator, I would bring my experience of knowing the typical Hill student across all forms, being able to represent all the forms, which is important as a Sixth Form Senator. My goals if elected would be to continue strengthening the SGA’s communication towards the student body and working on getting a modified Wednesday dress for male identifying students. This year, I was the Communications Coordinator for the SGA, where my job was to see how to better improve communication between the SGA and the community. Throughout this year, the SGA has made pamphlets, become involved in their social media, and re-created their own website. I would like to use my experience as Communications Coordinator, to help me and my other Senators in the SGA better communicate with you all. My second goal, modifying the Wednesday Dress code for the boys, was tried by the SGA this year, but was struck down. I understand this is a goal of Maggie and Hilton’s, and I’d like to work with them in making this a reality.  

I want to run for SGA because I have come to appreciate the hard work and care the SGA has for its student body. Through our weekly Wednesday breakfast meetings this year, I was able to see every Senator’s care of each proposal they made. By being involved with SGA this year, I have come to know what makes a good proposal, how meetings are supposed to look like, and the responsibility it takes to be a Senator. Therefore, I believe I would be the most qualified because of my experience, which is why I’d like to run for Sixth Form Senator.  

I have run for SGA my third form year, but was not elected. What makes this run different is my growth as a student and my understanding of the SGA. In my fourth form year, I decided to run for Communications Coordinator because I knew strengthening communication was something I felt vividly about. Now, as a fifth former, I’d like to run for Senator again, because in this election, I know what it takes to be a Senator and the inner workings of the SGA.

Tucker Brown

What do I contribute to Hill? I would contribute to the community by providing a way for students to voice their suggestions. When walking around campus or having talks from different angles I have found many students, especially in our form, have thought of many possible proposals for SGA. I have also seen most if not all of these students’ proposals go unheard. Various people in our form feel they cannot reach our SGA due to a lack of normalcy and comfortability with our representatives. One of my goals is to bridge this gap between all students in our form and provide a way to have everyone’s proposals and ideas heard at SGA meetings. Another way I would contribute, and my main reason for running is by properly representing our class as sixth-formers, next year.   

When answering the question, “Why do you want to run for SGA?” Many will answer for me and say, “College application.” However, I’d like to explain that this is not the case. As I previously stated, I want to run for SGA because I know I will be able to bring our class together as a whole and stand for what we have earned over these four years. I remember looking up to the sixth-formers in my third-form year and thinking about how good they had it. This year, the sixth-form representatives had to bring back sixth-form coffee as it had been taken from them. Now that our time has come I feel the need to defend our privileges as sixth-formers which we have worked so hard to achieve.  

Why now? Throughout my career as a Hill student, I always felt strongly about SGA. But it was not about me, but rather wanting and knowing that my form representative was working as hard as possible to make our life at Hill the best it could be. Now that we are moving onto our final year, I want everyone in the class of 2025, who has put in so much effort to get to this point, to enjoy everything from arriving day to jumping in the Dell. As the sixth form representative, I will hold a strong stance in doing whatever I can to make our final year as sixth formers the best experience it can be. Thank you.

Philip Kim

I contribute to Hill by involving myself in a myriad of different aspects of Hill life. I try to meet and connect with as many people as I can, and I think I provide a different perspective that adds to the community of Hill. I am driven, ambitious, and persistent that will lead me to be successful in pushing for the voices of the community. I have individual goals and initiatives of creating a community that can balance school and life. Specifically, one idea to approach this goal could be to create an online anonymous forum, where anyone in the community could ask questions and gain answers by others in the community.

What made me want to run for the SGA started by wanting to create an experience and community at Hill that I have been able to experience in my 3 years here. As an upper-former, I want to lead and shape a community with spirit and connectivity. Also, I want to be an avenue for students to voice their opinions and thoughts in an environment where people can sometimes feel voiceless. I want to help magnify student’s thoughts and help be a pillar for others in the community. When it comes to the SGA and navigating conversation, I am often more of a listener before I talk about my own opinions. I like being able to listen to the perspectives of others so I can synthesize unique perspectives to come up with an opinion of my own.

I’ve run before and have been both successful and unsuccessful. What makes this run different compared to my 3rd form and 4th form year, is that I have a bigger perspective on Hill. Now as a rising 6th former, I have experienced Hill through many different lenses and have come to value Hill in a different way than I have before. As a 3rd and 4th former, I prioritized setting myself up best for college by trying to get the best grades, and have the best achieving physical accomplishments. However, as I run now, I am prioritizing the people we meet, the interactions we have, and the little moments at Hill that make it special.

Ibrahim Ekmekci

I stand in front of the school community with a profound willingness to serve as a form representative in the last year of my Hill career. My candidacy is not merely a personal ambition but a solemn pledge to uphold the values of our community and seek the interest of each member of this community.

I am taking a crucial step to represent a steadfast commitment to amplify the voices of every member in my form and reflect diverse thoughts in the meetings. My goal is to prioritize the social well-being of our students by laying the groundwork for a supportive and nurturing environment. Through the expansion of form social activities, I aim to foster stronger bonds among students and promote unity. 

Furthermore, I recognize the urgency of addressing mental health concerns within our community. I pledge to coordinate SAMH and SGA to realize mental health awareness weeks, guest speaker events, and stress reduction workshops, to educate and engage our community on this critical issue.I believe that we could resolve these unheeded problems by fostering open dialogue and cultivating a culture of support and understanding. 

What distinguishes me from other candidates is my dedication and genuine commitment to serving the Hill community. Participating in many elections gave me the chance to learn about the problems of students even though I could not grasp the chance to work on them officially. My experiences and observations have helped to rectify myself for the future 

With integrity and sincerity, I pledge to be a responsive and accessible leader, always ready to listen to your concerns and tirelessly work to find solutions. I promise to prioritize the improvement of dorm conditions and enhance communication channels. I stand in front of you to reflect on my proactive approach to addressing pressing issues. 

Moreover, I am deeply invested in celebrating diversity and promoting inclusiveness on our campus. Through a series of cultural events and workshops, I aim to ensure that every student feels valued and heard, fostering a sense of belonging for all. 

In essence, in the last year of our fabulous and unforgettable journey, I urge you to give us a chance to enhance our last year. With active communication and cooperation, I vow to demonstrate my genuine dedication for a brighter Hill. 

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