The Hill School leads charge towards the fight against climate change

Media: Evan Luo ’25

Flowers blooming outside the Quadrivium

As our world becomes increasingly aware of the impacts of climate change and the need for sustainable practices, students at the Hill are leading the way towards a better, greener future.

After Stephen Ritz, founder of the Green Bronx Machine, came and presented at the Hill School, many found themselves inspired by a man who only talked about growing vegetables. The same people soon wondered: What could I do to fight climate change while at the Hill?

One group, the Hill Green Club, aims to build upon the Shirley Quadrivium’s current two greenhouses and donate their produce to the local Pottstown area. The group has already planned out several green projects it plans to achieve next year, such as an automated hydroponic farm.

While no longer on campus, Ritz will continue to influence The Hill. William Yinger ’95, High Meadows Foundation Chair of Sustainability and Senior Master Teacher of Science, says, “Ritz is working very hard for the next two weeks and will be contacting me about some possible next steps for the greenhouse we already own.”

According to one of the club’s members, Madison Tian ’25, “I’m excited to work in the Quadrivium’s greenhouse. It feels great to give back to the Pottstown community .”

The Hill administration has also involved itself in the fight against climate change. In the past few years, the school installed solar panels on several buildings, with plans underway to install more.

The efforts of Hill students and the school’s administration highlight the power of collective action towards a common goal. As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of climate change, it is heartening to see young people taking the initiative to create a better future. The Hill School community is leading the way towards a greener, more sustainable world.