Hill plots a blueprint for new campus construction
Media: Carrie Shang ’23
Construction of Davy Hall nears completion as the school year begins.
From cheering for others on the Beech Street tennis courts to cooperating and doing group projects with classmates in the Athey Academic Center’s classic classrooms, the campus has played host to some of the fondest memories that students have during their time here. This summer, several construction projects funded by generous donors will be completed in order to improve the environment for faculties and students.
The first change occurring were for the classrooms inside the Athey Academic Center.
“We are renovating the classrooms inside the academic building because of a gift we received that allow us to upgrade the technology in classrooms. Receiving that gift, we believed it just make more sense for us to try and partner that with other things that needed to be done in the classroom anyhow, so we are placing mechanical units in the classroom, improving the air quality. Again, if we are pulling down the ceiling to put new technology in, it just makes sense for us to put energy-efficient lights and more sound-proofing ceiling tiles in.” Richard Bouher, the capital construction project manager, said in a Zoom interview.
Additionally, with the upgraded technologies in classrooms, teachers can incorporate technology into their curriculum, Hill seeks to make their classes more interactive and efficient. In addition, with the replacement of more energy-efficient lights, less electricity will be used, which is much more environmentally friendly.
“We are always trying to design and build things with socially and environmentally conscious materials.” Bouher stated, explaining the reasons behind replacing the lights.
Shunji Lewandowski ’24 supports the school’s plan of adding in more sound-proofing tiles as he claims that “I would hear other classes watching movies or playing games many times when I was in Chinese or English class, and this was really distracting. I think the implement of these tiles will benefit many of the students who have the same concern as me.”
The Davy Hall dormitory, formerly known as the Dellside, as well as the terrace in front of the academic center both underwent renovations by the school. As two of the class gifts from the Class of 2022, the construction plans were created in mid-January. Davy Hall received new roofing and new bricks, and the patio had new pavers laid.
“I have heard a lot of rumors between students about the renovation of Dellside dorm, but I am still pretty surprised and happy hearing about the news. There were some problems with the old Dellside dorm building, and I am really excited to see the changes this September.” said Sissi Zhen ’24.
In addition to these projects, Hill is also currently finishing a construction and refurbishment project on Sweeney Gymnasium, which includes the installation of new windows, a new roof, and outdoor steps. The school also plans to raise money for remodeling the tennis pavilion, adding a new swimming and diving pool, and upgrading the Meigs Admission Office and business office.
As a swimmer and water polo player, Shunji Lewandowski ’24 is excited to see the implementation of a new pool. “It has been a bit frustrating over the past couple of years since there has not been much changes to the pool which is built in 1949. I believe all my amazing teammates and coaches would be happy to swim in a nicer facility,” he stated through email.
These on-going construction plans will welcome students’ return to campus this fall. Ready for the fresh start of the school year?