Powerful dance concert opens on Feb. 11
Media: Rachel Hwang '25
During rehearsal, Ariana Polevshchikova ’23, Caroline Grable ’25, Reet Tharwani ’24, Carmelita Robinson ’23 pose (back row, left to right) with Helen Zhang ’25 (front row).
The Hill School is known for its excellence in arts and performances, and the dance team is no exception to that rule. The dance concert that will be held at 7:45 p.m. on Feb. 11 in the Center for the Performing Arts will focus on the theme of light.
The dance team is thoroughly planning through the choice of props, music, and other items that will help their theme shine. “The show is directed to incorporate light and sunsets, whether that’s through music or through using the LED wall. Actual light, projected shadows, sunsets, and sunrises have also been added to the performance. We are trying to use direct connections of light through many methods,” said Laura Cobbs, adjunct dance instructor.
During the month to prepare for the dance concert, Cobbs and the dance team planned out dance pieces such as hip-hop and jazz, but this concert mostly consists of contemporary ballet pieces.
“The team members all cooperated together to create a beautiful piece of choreography. The ballet pieces are focusing on the beauty of light and the contrast of different shades between light and darkness. However, I am also looking forward to the hip-hop piece. The diverse genres of dances clearly show how much potential each dance member has,” said Ariana Polevshchikova ‘23, a member of the dance team.
The dance team has worked rigorously for the past month. In a short amount of time, the dance team was able to plan, practice, and cover 12 dance pieces. COVID-19 restrictions are still hindering the dance team from full-member practices.
“Choreographically, Covid does create some challenges. People have to quarantine when they are not feeling well or go home, so it is hard to constantly rehearse with the full cast. We hope we will get a full class when we get closer to the recital, but we haven’t had a chance quite yet,” Cobbs said.
Despite the challenges, dance members are looking forward to a great show and experience.
“We are hopeful about our dance concert. So far, the members are trying really hard to prepare perfectly. The dance members are meeting every weekday and practicing a minimum of one hour and 30 minutes per day. Though Covid challenges can strike the dance team, I hope we can successfully prepare for the grand dance concert night,” Polevshchikova said.
Staff Writer Rachel Hwang ’25 contributed to this article.