Letter to the Form Deans
Media: Erick Sun '24
Mr. and Mrs. Eilberg made Hill a second home to students as the Form Deans of Class of ’22
From the beginning, Athletic Director Seth Eilberg and Day Student Dean Donna Eilberg have helped our form become close. Pizza and bowling were where we made our first friendships that would only grow stronger with each passing day. It seemed as if we had all known each other prior to our first time stepping foot on campus. Mr. and Mrs. Eilberg helped make this transition easy for us, acting as an extra set of parents to offer us sound advice and guidance whenever we needed it.
Two claps defined us, two claps was how Mr. Eilberg got us engaged in conversation when we would all meet together. To this day, the Class of 2022 still begins all class meetings with the infamous two claps. Our culminating moment was the sixth form retreat, kicking off our senior year together, running through the woods and making memories that will last a lifetime.
“I’ve enjoyed having my parents as form deans because it has given me another way to connect with them. They have planned many fun form activities for us and been there for our form whenever we needed it,” Graham Eilberg ’22 said.
Adele Harris ’22 pointed to Eilbergs’ “warm and welcoming presence,” when asked to reflect on having them as form deans. “Even when it’s not related to our form specifically, they are always there to help if we need anything,” she said.
Mr. and Mrs. Eilberg’s efforts have definitely brought our class closer in ways we would not have been able to do on our own. Their affection for us as individuals extends beyond just being our form deans; they have become our instructors, coaches, advisors, cheerleaders, and biggest supporters.
“You kept us together in a time when the world was falling apart, reminding us of who we were and where we’ve come from with throwback power points and embarrassing pictures,” Anna Schlegel ’22 said.
Mackenzie Shultz ’22 liked Mr. and Mrs. Eilberg as form deans because they “never failed to keep the form connected.” She added, “They always made sure to have fun socials and activities, even during COVID.”
We have been fortunate to have Mr. and Mrs. Eilberg have been on our side for the past four years. It’s difficult to capture all of the numerous ways they’ve impacted each of our lives. As a class, we are so grateful for you both. Our four years at Hill would have been incomplete without you, and we will miss you so much next year.