Students from all over the country marched in effort to protest the recent shooting in Parkland, Florida. They’ve helped expose the cruel tragedy that comes with the loss of innocent young people and America’s stagnant response to this recurring issue. Frustration has escalated as many are tired of the alternatives being offered and the NRA’s lobbying has on our politics.
Although the debate on how to end gun violence is necessary and has been long overdue, it has already been brought up.
In 2012, Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida walking back home after stopping by a local convenience store. The case spread on various social media outlets as many were outraged with the killing of an unarmed black man and was followed with the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
Quickly, many became involved in the #BlackLivesMatter movement that was created to campaign against systematic racism and gun violence towards black people. The movement was met with both acceptance and contention, as people of color (poc) were able to resonate with the group and others saw it as an exclusive group.
The tumultuous debate on whether the #BlackLivesMatter movement was driven behind hate took away from its original intent to educate the world on the alarming rates of gun violence in inner cities.
However, with the increasing media attention on the parkland students, it only seems right to point out the inconsistencies within treatment of both movements.
Although both are met with harsh criticisms, the #BlackLivesMatter movement was essentially ignored and met with no empathy.
My hope is that this youth-led movement will change the safety and protection of people in America. However, if we are implementing changes in gun laws,
I cannot see it without regulation on police officers as well. As the movement continues
I just hope that poc who deal with the conditions of gun violence at a very young ages are met with the same acceptance.