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Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

What does the national debt reaching $34 trillion signify for the US?

What does the national debt reaching $34 trillion signify for the US?

By Arkadi Bindar ’26, Staff Writer April 17, 2024

The U.S. national debt recently surpassed its milestone of $34 trillion just weeks after Congress decided on new funding plans.  This number was reached a mere month after the debt hit $33 trillion,...


Immigration provides a solution to Canada’s housing shortage

By Liz Zhang ’26, Staff Writer December 14, 2023

According to recent estimates, the average Canadian makes less than 30% of what they would need to afford a home. The standard home in Canada costs over 750,000 CAD, while the median annual salary is just...


The House of Mouse strikes back through legal battles

By Xander Hoishik ’24, Staff Writer May 24, 2023

Florida governor Ron DeSantis has been causing unrest among fans of the Walt Disney World amusement parks as he seeks to regulate the authority bestowed upon them through their control of The Central Florida...


The Federal Reserve mishandled inflation

By Nate Whittemore ’23, Staff Writer May 3, 2023

Inflation has become a major concern for the American public this past year. The Federal Reserve has failed to do its job and protect the public from out-of-control inflation. It is not a question of intent....

The Silicon Valley Bank bailout sets a dangerous precedent for the U.S. economy

The Silicon Valley Bank bailout sets a dangerous precedent for the U.S. economy

By Evan Luo ’25, Executive Public Editor April 20, 2023

After posting a loss on bond investments, Silicon Valley Bank experienced a run on the bank by their depositors. The U.S. Federal Reserve soon stepped in to save the bank and defuse a more widespread meltdown...

The Hill journalism class listens to Pottstown Councilor Ryan Procsal. Photo by Augie Gerhart '23

Pottstown Councilor Ryan Procsal discusses life in the borough

    Editor's note: On Sept. 30, The Hill School journalism class held a press conference with Pottstown Councilor Ryan Procsal on local community life and the recovery from the COVID-19...

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