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Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

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The mystery of “WandaVision”

By Luke Gerdeman ’23, Staff Writer March 4, 2021

On Jan. 15, the world of entertainment shifted in a major way. The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney’s $23 billion franchise, made its first venture into streaming television. The show, titled “WandaVision,”...

“I make a pretty crummy outlaw”: a review of Old 97s’ “Twelfth”

By Wesley Connelly ’22 October 15, 2020

 Sporting an image of famous Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach, “Twelfth,” released Aug. 20, would catch your eye on a record store shelf. The highly recognizable image of Roger the Dodger attempting...

2018-02-29 Pippin Rehearsal with costumes

Review: The Ellis Theatre Guild’s Pippin

By Maggie Pearson February 28, 2018

Pippin made its debut this past Friday, February 23rd. The Ellis Theater Guild put on the performance as a tribute to Director of the CFTA Burt Merriam. The cast certainly did justice to the production...

2017-10-25 The Tempest

Review: Ellis Theatre Guild’s The Tempest

By Michael Vanelli November 7, 2017

There are two kinds of people that came to watch The Tempest. A rare portion came for the love of Shakespeare’s work, to see his last one. For these viewers the “Sixty-Minute Shakespeare” was a wonder...

Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle

September 26, 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle will impress the fans who watched Kingsman: The Secret Service for the action, and conflict those who watched the first movie for the plot. Visually, the Golden Circle follows...

Plugged in: Ghost story and melodrama

September 7, 2017

What to Watch: A Ghost Story This drama by David Lowery tells the story of a couple, played by Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara, who plans to start a life together in their newly bought house until a tragic...

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