Voters line up to cast their midterm ballots outside of the Ricketts Community Center, the local polling place for a majority of Hill residents.
This year, the faculty and staff of the Hill School make their way to submit their ballots for the 2022 election. They proudly submit their votes, contributing to the America that they want to see bloom. As they congregate at Pottstown’s polling place, the faculty show their patriotism in their actions and decisions.
“It was a joy to realize this morning that I’ve been voting at the Ricketts Center in Pottstown, twice a year for 23 years now. Politics in the United States has been central to my life as a historian and as a citizen,” Elizabeth Blossom Chair of Humanities, Dr. Kathryn Malone, said.
“I vote in every election. It is a privilege too often taken for granted in this country. I voted today for candidates who I believe — among other things — will preserve precious democratic ideals and are not afraid to speak out against extremism and racism; those who have worked to invest in strong, equitable public education; and those who advocate for sensible gun policies that will make our communities safer,” Dir. of Communications and Community Relations for Hobart’s Run, Cathy Skitko, said.
Edward Tuck Hall Distinguished Chair in English Courtney Neese ‘00, Instructor of English Tanya Sepela and Athey Family Master Teacher of English Amy Agnew proudly wear their “I voted” stickers. Photo courtesy of Courtney Neese ’00
Oaklawn-Tuttle Director of Vocal Music Yoon Soo Lim, having recently voted, shows her support for the process. Photo courtesy of Yoon Soo Lim
Jesse gives his stamp of approval for this year’s elections. Photo courtesy of Elle O’Brien
Chair of the Science Department Dr. Maureen Courtney happily shows her voting souvenir. Photo courtesy of Maureen Courtney
Warner Associate Chaplain Rev. Anne Confer Martens ’02 takes a celebratory selfie after casting her ballot. Photo courtesy of Anne Confer Martens
Dir. of Communications and Community Relations for Hobart’s Run Cathy Skitko marks the occasion with a picture. Photo courtesy of Cathy Skitko
Elizabeth Blossom Chair of Humanities Kathryn Malone drives back to the Hill School after successfully voting. Photo courtesy of Kathryn Malone
Instructor of History and Social Sciences Catriona Miller ‘08 and Instructor of Mathematics and Science Will Scully advocate for Shapiro as governor. Photo courtesy of Catriona Miller ’08
Senior Master Teacher of Mathematics Elizabeth Dollhopf and Admissions Interviewer Keri O’Brien pose for a photo, showing off their “I voted” stickers. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Dollhopf
Philip Rogers Mallory ’04 Senior Master Teacher of Science Mark Nelson takes a selfie, feeling patriotic in front of a beautiful mural. Photo courtesy of Mark Nelson
Experience & Events Manager in the Office of Strategic Management Lisa Wheeler Pingle advocates for the importance of voting. Photo courtesy of Lisa Wheeler Pingle
Senior Master Teacher of Science Bill Yinger ‘95, Instructor of World Languages Kirby Varnadoe-Russ and Director of Institutional Giving Operations Virginia Yinger get together for a proud representative photo. Photo courtesy of Bill Yinger ’95
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