The Hill News 2022 midterm election coverage
Media: Aidan Ma ’23
The Hill News election coverage
Welcome to The Hill News’ live 2022 midterm election coverage. Throughout the night, the election night team will continue to update this page with our published articles, highlighting the 2022 election throughout the United States, especially in Pennsylvania, as well as its impact on the Hill community. Make sure to also stay updated through The Hill News’ social media, following us on Instagram @hillnews. Reach out to Anna Carroll ([email protected]) and Jason Zhou ([email protected]) to get involved.
Editors’ Note
By Anna Yao Carroll ’23 and Jason Zhou ’23, Editors-in-Chief
With the arrival of the midterms, The Hill News deemed it critical to live report the ballot counting, potential hindrances, and citizen reactions, especially in Pennsylvania on election night. Additionally, we believed that it is significant to highlight the midterm election’s impact on the Hill community, featuring student voters, political clubs, faculty, and alumni.
We believed it important to balance political opinions and perspectives throughout students on campus, featuring various faculty views to student political clubs. In the end, we hope to authentically and holistically report the 2022 midterm election in Pennsylvania and its impact on the Hill community.
As a publication, it is our duty to truthfully educate the student body in all matters, especially in a time of unreliable sources and social media prevalence. Specifically, during the 2022 midterm election, we believe it is our responsibility to report accurate information about all candidates and breaking news. It is important to be an informed voter, and The Hill News believes it is our duty to help educate the Hill community politically in order for them to best practice their democratic responsibilities.
Photo essay: Faculty cast their ballots
By Holly Mason ’24, Staff Writer
This year, the faculty and staff of the Hill School make their way to submit their ballots for the 2022 election. They proudly submit their votes, contributing to the America that they want to see bloom. As they congregate at Pottstown’s polling place, the faculty show their patriotism in their actions and decisions.
Click the headline for the full photo essay.

Past Hill News Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Hudak ’21 shares her voting experience in the Pennsylvania midterm
By Anna Yao Carroll ’23 and Jason Zhou ’23, Editors-in-Chief
Elizabeth Hudak ’21 has always been passionate about communicating the importance of true democracy and advocating for being an active voter. Hudak expressed that she is focused on abortion rights, education funding, student loans, and anti-gun violence– topics that she explained were relevant to her current stage of life and values.
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End of night midterm summary
By Alec Swartz ’13, Faculty Adviser
As the clock neared midnight and students returned to their dorms, one key race in Pennsylvania drew to a close. Democrat Josh Shapiro, the state’s two-term attorney general, is projected to win the key gubernatorial race. Shapiro battled Republican Doug Mastriano, a state representative central in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, for the governor’s seat.
The Senate race, however, remained far from decided. With 85% of of the vote counted, Democrat John Fetterman held a narrow lead of 49.3% over Republican Mehmet Oz’s 48.3%. Over 95% of the vote has been counted in Montgomery County, which leans heavily Democratic. Fetterman’s polling numbers dwindled in recent days after a poor debate performance in the aftermath of a stroke recovery. The bitter contest between the two candidates is expected to be close and may last through the late hours of the night while officials count early mail-in ballots.

Midterm results show that some Hill ties never sever
By Aidan Ma ’23, Visual Managing Editor
Those keeping up with the midterm elections might see familiar names in the news. Past Tom Ruth Series speaker, Wes Moore, has been projected to win the gubernatorial election in Maryland as the Democratic candidate.
The school brought Moore on campus to speak in October 2020. During his time here, he talked about his book “The Other Wes Moore,” a powerful account of black experience in urban America.
Closer to home is Pennsylvania’s very own John Fetterman, who is running against Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania’s 2022 senatorial election. Fetterman’s cousin, Jake Fetterman ’17, graduated from the Hill in 2017. Fetterman has 52.1% of the votes currently.
Hill alumni discuss Pennsylvania’s Senate and gubernatorial races
By Jason Zhou ’23, Editor-in-Chief
The Hill community has a long tradition of encouraging eligible students to register and vote. As the 2022 Pennsylvania general election approaches, plenty Hill alumni carried on the habit of voting. “To the current Hill students, I would say that they should pay attention to what’s going on around them and research the candidates before casting a vote. It’s important to be a well-informed voter who investigated what their representatives are advocating for,” Cornell University junior Johnny Creciun ’20 said.
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Pennsylvania elections impact future of US politics
By Jennie Ki ’23, Off-Campus Editor
The polls are closed in most of Pennsylvania after an Election Day that saw high turnout in some parts of the state. With the election process in progress, many political researchers comment that the results of the midterm election in the sate are a crucial step to determine the victory of either party.
The win of Pennsylvania’s open senate seat is crucial to both parties. Republicans need to win a net of just one seat to regain control of the senate. Polling in the lead-up to Election Day in Pennsylvania showed the House could flip to Republican control.
According to Spotlight PA, Pennsylvania’s next governor — either Democrat Josh Shapiro or Republican Doug Mastriano — will have a key role in crafting public policy over the next four years, ultimately overseeing the 2024 presidential election. Pennsylvania is also one of the closely watched races. Polls show minimal difference in the estimated percentages of votes between Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz and Democrat John Fetterman, with the popular vote recording a marginal difference of less than 1%.

Political clubs reflect on issues facing students
By Layla Choudhri ’26, Staff Writer
The midterm elections across the country hold a lot of power in determining the future political balance of power. Here at Hill, students interested in politics are encouraged to share their voices as much as possible. The Young Democratic Socialist Club and the Young Republican Club offer a venue for these discussions. In the race for governor, the House, and the Senate, the leaders of these clubs were interviewed for their views of this election. The Young Republicans Club president Cole Bilotta ’23 and Young Democratic Socialists Club president Nimala Sivakumar ’23 answered questions and shared their opinions about the major issues facing students.
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Luzerne County ballot shortage extends polling place hours
By Layla Choudhri ’26, Staff Writer
The demand to vote has been severely underestimated. In the state of Pennsylvania, there has been a recent shortage of ballots in the voting polls. Luzerne County, a nearby county, has recently had a judge extend voting hours. Court officials increased times for the polling places in the county by two hours, with the booths closing at 10 p.m. instead of the usual 8 p.m. Tuesday night.
On Tuesday, a hearing was held as the urgent matter was addressed. Judge Lisa Gelb sent approval to hold out on the closing times of the booths. A low stock of paper caused the ballot shortage at the voting machines.
“Through no fault of their own, were disenfranchised and denied the fundamental right to vote,” Gelb stated in court that adults of 18 years or older should not be stopped from voting.
Poll workers were running everywhere frantically trying to find paper for the next person casting their vote. Luckily, after the court hearing, the problem was solved, and paper was distributed. Enough time was made up for the voters who may have missed their chance earlier.
Even every small county matter in the result of these midterm elections. Considering that Pennsylvania is a swing state, and has been for multiple years now, there is no determining the outcome of the governor, House, or Senate representatives. In Pennsylvania, and even across the country, it may seem like these small counties do not matter. They are the ones that make all the difference.
Pennsylvania closes polls at 8 p.m.
By Jennie Ki’ 23, Off-Campus Editor
The election taking place in Pennsylvania closed its polls at 8 p.m (EST). While 34 other states are also holding elections, the voting process will be finalized for each state at different times throughout the night and into tomorrow. With Luzerne county, PA encountering a shortage in ballot papers, the entire nation is carefully looking at the polling results in Pennsylvania.
Polls in Pennsylvania opened at 7 a.m. (EST). Many residents in Pottstown, Hill faculty, and Hill students over the age of 18 traveled to the Ricketts Community Center to cast their votes. As the polling comes to a close, everyone now is watching the news, waiting patiently as one vote by another will reveal the choice of Pennsylvania. With the long lines in front of the polling centers in Pennsylvania, state officials expect a high turnout.
Teachers encourage Hill students to use their power to vote
By Holly Mason ’24 and Elizabeth Zhang ’26, Staff Writers
Election day is here, and with election day, comes varied opinions. Our very own faculty and staff have been given the chance to submit their ballots with the extra time provided by buffet lunch and dinner. These same teachers want to communicate to their students the importance of understanding the importance of the power of voting.
Click the headline for the full article.
First-time voter? Here are some Election Day tips
By Jason Zhou ’23, Editor-in-Chief
As election night’s 8 p.m. deadline fast approaches, November 8 is the last opportunity to vote in-person for the 2022 midterm election. Here is the voting guide for first-time voters, as we answer common questions about how to cast your ballot.
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