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Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

The Hill News

Colleges roll back test-optional admissions policies in dramatic shift from Covid-era guidelines

Colleges roll back test-optional admissions policies in dramatic shift from Covid-era guidelines

By Evan Luo ’25, Executive Public Editor April 17, 2024

In a major shift, many elite colleges have reverted back to their former testing policies, including the University of Texas Austin, Yale University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, Harvard University,...

Amanda Dougherty interviews students in her office in the admsisions house. Photo by Sarah Kenvin ’23

Amanda Dougherty recounts her roots in boarding life

By Sarah Kenvin ’23, Staff Writer April 13, 2023

You may typically see her gliding around campus on her mint green bike, its metal basket shaking over the bumpy pathways. She shoots warm smiles and genuine greetings at those she passes, radiating positive...

The Supreme Court poises to overturn affirmative action

The Supreme Court poises to overturn affirmative action

By Evan Luo ’25, Executive Public Editor October 31, 2022

The Supreme Court convened today and will decide whether race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions remains constitutional. Students bring the case on for Fair Admissions, a nonprofit, anti-affirmative...

Hill has received about 1,300 applicants this year, a 15% increase. PHOTO BY NOLAN RICHARDS ’21

Hill’s admissions continues in the face of COVID-19, prepares for spring

By MoniYah Person-Henderson ’23, Staff Writer March 4, 2021

Temperature taken, hand sanitizer applied -- now you’re welcomed onto the Hill School campus. As the virus shut many other boarding and day schools in various ways, Hill continued to keep its doors open...

Prospective students are still able to tour the school in person despite the challenges that COVID-19 has presented.
Photo By Izzy Feldman ’21

Boarding schools nationwide deal with shift in admissions process

By Annie Li ’21, Staff Writer October 15, 2020

COVID-19 has impacted the admissions prospects for boarding schools,  with some schools being affected more severely than others. However, frustration over online school might lead to an uptick in...

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