The Hill News 2020 election coverage
The Hill News Election Coverage
Thanks for following us; please continue to follow our IG and Twitter and Facebook for continuing coverage as The Hill News wraps up 2020 election coverage and starts coverage of remote learning this winter. Reach out to Elizabeth Hudak ‘21 ([email protected]) or Tess McArdle ‘21 ([email protected]) to learn more about how to get involved.
Co-Editor-in-Chief Tess McArdle ’21 explains the principles that guide our election coverage
By Tess McArdle ’21, Co-Editor-in-Chief
The Hill News holds our journalistic integrity high and actively works to keep news reporting apolitical and keep opinion content equal among differing political parties. We believe that unbiased news reporting is of the utmost importance and that it is inappropriate to accuse a news source of biased reporting, even if the intentions were satirical. Just because we are a high school community and newspaper does not mean we should not hold ourselves to the standards of the real world, where using the legitimacy of a news source would not be an appropriate joke.
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BEHIND-THE-SCENES: The Hill News newsroom on election night
Hill witnesses the 2020 presidential election through the generations
By Olivia Mofus ’22, Features Editor
The people of the United States of America have been voting for a very long time – over 230 years to be exact. Throughout that time span, the nature of our elections has fluctuated and changed as new ages presented new issues. The Hill School is fortunate enough to have people who’ve lived long enough to witness these changes in addition to the many young people able to vote for the very first time two very different generations that view the current 2020 presidential election and its aftermath just as differently.
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U.S. 2020 Election: How the world reacted to Biden’s victory
By Jennie Ki ’23, Staff Writer
The 2020 presidential election had a profound effect globally. During the four day tension of the White House race, not only American citizens, but international audiences were also anxious during the election process. As the 2020 presidential election concluded with Joe Biden’s victory, world leaders are congratulating the new American president-elect. Leaders will be concentrating on how Joe Biden and vice-president Kamala Harris plan to reshape U.S. foreign policy and international relationships.
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All eyes turn to Georgia as both their senate races move to January runoffs
By Avery Liggon ’21, Staff Writer
The two seats up for election in Georgia will determine what party will hold the Senate majority for the upcoming year, but the state is currently not showing a clear majority winner making the Georgia elections a divisive player in the country’s future. Here is what you need to know.
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OPINION: The race for the president is over, but the race against racism is not
MORGANTOWN, Pa. — Nov. 13, 2020
By Noah Toole ’22, Staff Writer
Editor’s Note: This writer originally requested to remain anonymous due to safety concerns and subsequently requested that the byline and dateline be adjusted to reflect his name and hometown.
The election was one to remember. This election will be in the history books, and I’m proud to be living through it all. The majority of the country cheered as Joe Biden jumped past 270 votes; but I was home, peering through my window making sure everything was still normal.
I live in a suburban neighborhood where the majority of people who make up the population are Amish and white people.
My dad and mom have expressed how much they need to know where I am. I never thought of it as strict or controlling; it’s necessary and reassuring that my parents care about my safety.
The scariest part about where I reside is that there is an active Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist group nearby. Pennsylvania is home to a lot of hate groups, 36 to be exact(as reported in a 2018 study from the Southern Poverty Law Center), and that can be quite eye-opening to hear about when regarding a state that seems so nice on the outside.
When Biden won the election as president-elect, I was texted by my dad to stay indoors. He told me this because there was a message that described how these white supremacists would be hunting the streets for vulnerable and lonesome black kids if President Donald Trump did not win. I was scared but stayed calm especially for my little brother since we were home alone.
This is not a normal thing that everyone has to go through. This shouldn’t be something that anyone has to go through.
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OPINION: When will President Trump’s claims be taken seriously: the president shouts upon losing re-election
By Izzy Feldman ’21, Opinion Writer
Trump cannot legally operate on the basis that he won this election without the votes to support it. However, the president is actively perpetuating skepticism in his supporters. Now, with the outcome in favor of Biden, many of Trump’s supporters are refusing to accept the results, claiming that come January 2021, the president will be re-inaugurated.
“Trump has given his followers license to see anything other than a Trump victory as a stolen election,” wrote the Washington Post.
Though some are able to see recognize the absurdity of the president’s claims, millions of his supporters are losing their faith in the democratic process. This action from the president doesn’t surprise me, but it is disheartening to see it realized, just as so many predicted it would be.
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New Twitter account!
The Hill News published a brand new Twitter account to launch election coverage — give it a follow @TheHillNews1.
International students feel their voices are ignored
By Nari Tung ’21, Campus News Editor
With the looming uncertainty regarding the 2020 Election, The Hill School hosted form events followed by seven student-led club discussions to discuss the upcoming Presidential Election and how this election’s results will impact their respective groups. As the tension outside the Hill bubble continues to rise, so do the tensions within the student body. With disputation stemming from club discussions, one controversy came to light: should international students be a part of this election?
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Interview with a Reading, Pa. resident
By Anthony Wise ’22
I could tell Molly was passionate about this election and voting! When asked why she thought it was important to vote in this election she said, “It was a very controversial election and a lot of people started to get more involved in the normal because of the state that our country is in right now.”
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End of Night Hill News summary
By Philippe Jin ’21, Local News Editor
As 11 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) approaches, Pennsylvania has reported 20% of the votes with Trump ahead by 3.3% and 46,055 votes at 10 p.m Eastern Time (ET). Montgomery County falls heavily Democratic with almost 90% of votes going to Biden. Much like in 2016, the state is balanced between Republican loyalty in the center and a Democratic surge in the eastern urban and suburban areas. It is also clear that results being reported are not final, with over half the votes not yet reported and almost a million mail-in ballots not yet received.
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Chief of Pottstown Police Mick Markovich Comments on the Prospect of Protest in Pottstown
By Izzy Feldman ’21, Staff Contributor
The United States is deeply divided in its political agenda and thought, with Pottstown being no exception to that schism of belief. With the results of the election pending, the New York Times reported that “storefronts and office buildings were being boarded up throughout the weekend,” suggesting “chaos and riots” and a country that is “palpably on edge.”
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Watch Parties
By: Jamie Olson ’21
Intro by Izzy Feldman ‘21
Hill students have been heavily encouraged to tune into the presidential election, it being the 46th in the United States history. Across campus, common rooms are full of students staying updated, while other ones remain empty. The SGA organized event has taken different forms with interest in the election coverage varying.
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How to understand provisional ballots in Pennsylvania
By Bella Basile ’21, Staff Writer
What is a provisional ballot?
According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, a provisional ballot is a paper ballot that is used to protect the integrity of the election process and the rights by voters. The provisional ballot records one’s vote and the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted. In addition, provisional ballots may be issued at the polling place until the close of polls on election day absent a court order extending voting hours. There are many situations that require voting using a provisional ballot, including when an individual cannot be located in either the poll books or the supplemental poll book pages that contain the voter registration information for all eligible voters in a division. If you are a first-time voter who does not provide ID at the polls on Election Day, you will be offered a provisional ballot.
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What Is: Electoral College?
By Sarah Jiang ’22 Staff Writer
As results come in, all eyes are on 270. As a state emerges blue or red, their designated electors will consequently vote blue or red within the Electoral College. For a running candidate to win, they must achieve 270 electoral votes, but because there is a wide range for electors in each state, a candidate could win several states such as Rhode Island, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, but not even earn as many votes as a candidate who wins the state of Texas alone.The United States has long operated under the voted choices of its citizens; however, determining the next president of the United States always involves the Electoral College.
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OPINION: Student reflection on 6th form election eve meeting
By Kiki Lange ’21, Staff Contributor
Election Eve was meant to be a time for productive conversations around campus at Hill, in the lead up to the country’s extremely consequential election. I have been at home quarantining and the sixth form zoom call was the first time I have been able to sense the climate of our school since Friday. Form Deans Ed Turner and Larissa Snyder put students in breakout rooms with questions to discuss. My breakout group’s discussion was mostly unproductive, and we collectively agreed on the questions we were asked. However, when we came back together as a form to talk about some topics with more passion behind them the zoom call quickly dissolved into uncivil discourse.
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Polling in Pennsylvania update
By Philippe Jin ’21, Local News Editor
Since this morning when polls opened, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Election Task Force saw 52 reports of incidents, 47 of which, were solved peacefully due to the fact that most of the incidents were related to misinformation.
As polls close it is important, however, to note that millions of mail-in ballots are still being received. Results from closed polls are not final.
International Perspectives on the US Election
By Philippe Jin ’21, Local News Editor
At our highly diverse school, this crucial election is not limited in its effects to US residents. The following international students share their thoughts:
Jerry Zhu ’22 is a two-year fourth former from Beijing. He says “Chinese media outlets are generally viewing the election as an event that will cause volatility,” and that “Chinese banks [are] anticipating significant market fluctuations and other sources of risk.”
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How to stay grounded through this election process
By Izzy Feldman ’21, Staff Writer
With election night underway and our country divided, Hill students are feeling the seemingly insurmountable anxiety pending the results. The question of who to vote for has now shifted to what will happen if either presidential candidate wins or loses.
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What will happen if we don’t get results on election night?
Bella Basile ’21, Staff Writer
As the polls close tonight, election results will start to flood in. However, they might be inconclusive. The COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest are among a number of factors this year that has changed the usual expectations of election night results, making any definitive and immediate declarations of winners extremely difficult, if not impossible, to provide. So what does this mean for Pennsylvania as a crucial swing state in the presidential election, and how long do voters need to wait for the results of their casted ballots?
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Form Events
By Diemmy Dang ’24, Carrie Shang ’23, Paige Timbrook ’22, Edward Deng ’21
A representative from each form recounts their experience of their form event.
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Working for the Paul Friel Campaign amid a pandemic
Philippe Jin ’21, Local News Editor
As the United States moves into election night, many in the nation are anxious and excited for the results. Perhaps more so than the average citizen, people working for campaigns are even more emotional. Madeline Burger, a student that attends Owen J. Roberts High School in Pottstown, PA., works for the Paul Friel campaign for state house district 26.
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Polls closing at 8 p.m, PA
By Phillippe Jin ’21, Local News Editor
Pennsylvania, along with 16 other states, has closed its polls at 8 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) as millions of Pennsylvanians flooded the election centers starting at 7 a.m. Eastern Time (ET). As a critical swing state, Pennsylvania is watched by the nation as votes are being processed.
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Employee Election Spotlight: Kelli Shoenly
Any Hill student that has visited the Wellness Center has been greeted by Front Office Manager Kelli Shoenly. Shoenly has worked at Hill’s Wellness Center for 18 years. Before that, as a teenager, she had worked many jobs at Hill such as cleaning the guest house, catering different parties, being a part of the maintenance crew, and babysitting for many faculty children. When asked what she does as Front Office Manager, she sat back, smiled, and answered, “A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole lot of loving my kids.”
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Hill remembers the legacy of President Donald Trump’s sons
By Olivia Mofus ’22, Features Editor
When thinking about the Trump brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric, one might think of their father’s administration, Twitter feed, or satirical Saturday Night Live sketches. However, some would recall their years spent as students at The Hill School before their rise to national and political fame.

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Students and SGA speak on Monday night election training
By Aleksandr Glamazdin ’22
Not many people on-campus are familiar with the fact that there is an election training scheduled for Monday study hall. With less than 24 hours until the event, there still isn’t a lot of information out there. What is known is that the Student Government Association, along with Dean of Students Ari Baum, is planning an event that will highlight the importance of the Nov. 3 United States Presidential Election and civil discourse.
Issue 3 link
Hill journalism class participates in KQED “Let’s Talk About the Election 2020 Challenge”
By Hill News, Staff ContributersOctober 26, 2020
Hill journalism students participated in the KQED “Let’s Talk About the Election 2020 Challenge.” The link below contains all of the videos that the students made for the challenge.
U.S. Rep. Madeleine Dean and Pa. State Sen. Bob Mensch visit student journalists at Hill
By Rease Coleman ’22, Mandy McCarrick ’22, Sarah Rogalski ’21, Tyler Chenevert ’22, Pierce Hart ’23, Oliver Hutchison ’22, and Anthony Wise ’22|October 7, 2020
On Oct. 6, U.S. Rep. Madeleine Dean and Pa. State Sen. Bob Mensch visited Hill’s journalism class for a press conference conducted by the students. The press conference covered a variety of topics such as discrimination, how the politicians got into their careers, and even some of the politician’s personal stories.

U.S. Rep. Madeleine Dean and Pa. State Sen. Bob Mensch visit student journalists at Hill
Pottstown Councilor Trenita Lindsay and Mayor Stephanie Henrick attend Hill journalists’ press conference
By Izzy Feldman ’21, Avery Liggon ’21, Rose Flaherty ’23, Emma Gray ’22, and Hunter Sloan ’23October 8, 2020
On Oct. 7, Pottstown Mayor Stephanie Henrick and Councilor Trenita Lindsay spoke to Hill’s journalism class about local politics and life in a pandemic. Lindsay talked about Pottstown’s history and the general community, covering both the good and the bad.